This reads like some fiction novel of a dystopian planet where crazy is normal and normal is crazy.

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1984 George Orwell

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Orwellian indeed.

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I've always said that Trump lives rent free in all our minds because for a decade, his psycho-sadistic, ego-maniacal, highly ignorant, and sociopathic narcissistic stochastic terrorist fascist mind won't leave us alone! He always has to have his name mentioned everywhere and for every second of our lives. We've been drowning and suffocating under all things Orange Führer since 2016. Yet, even with all of his PTSD terror causing chaos, I thoroughly rise up to dissent and resist against what he fascistically represents.

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For a multitude of reasons, I had to work on taking hate out of my life.

Over the decades, I have made what is nothing short of miracle level progress. (You’d have to know what an egotistical, judgmental dick I was.)

Gratefully, I now try and see the good in people first and, with the exception of a list of things like cancer and pedophile priests, I do not hate.

Then along comes Trumpty Dumpty.


I hate that lying rat bastard with a pent up vehemence that defies description!


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Guilfoyle is being sent to Greece. She previously called the Greek people freeloaders, saying they needed to work harder and longer- taking retirement early is apparently the entire source of the country's budget difficulties. (to be fair, I think full retirement age was 55.. but seriously?) In a similar relationships determining actions vein, He's been after Trudeau ever since an episode with Melania- she was obviously smitten with him.

I love that Mexico has a strong woman President. She's already driving him nuts.

Ever seen a pissed off Canadian? It usually takes a while to get them there, but once it happens..hockey fights have unwritten rules, or there would be a lot of hospitalizations. Trump has no idea what he is dealing with.

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