Trump is such a dick he's insulting Canada!!!
And Trump's administration picks continue to insult us all
Oh dear God. Of course he’s not even back in office yet but since that freaking nightmare of an election night there has been no respite. Forget about a day. It seems like not a freaking hour has gone by without an insidious reminder that our next president is a narcissistic imbecilic toddler and a global laughingstock to boot. USA! USA!
Just this morning we woke up to a Trump bleat that he posted at 12:26am (toooooootally normal) saying: “It was a pleasure to have dinner the other night with Governor Justin Trudeau of the Great State of Canada. I look forward to seeing the Governor again soon so that we may continue our in depth talks on Tariffs and Trade, the results of which will be truly spectacular for all! DJT.”
This mocking, condescending drivel, directed toward one of our largest trading partners and crucial allies, with whom we share one of the largest borders in the world, is so beneath a low-level American government official, let alone the President, that there are no words, although I have a sinking feeling we’re going to have a critical need to come up with some new ones right quick. Somehow the words need to convey how the leader of the free world is such a perpetually insecure epic asshat that he can’t stop himself from acting like a schoolyard bully. Good luck to us!
Anyway, the reference Trump made to a dinner in that idiotic bleat was to one he had with Trudeau over the Thanksgiving weekend where, according to Politico, Trump laughingly mentioned Canada could become a state because that shit is hilarious to pretty much everyone who stopped their education way south of their GED.
This nonsense, you’ll recall, comes about a week after Trump posted a preposterous image of himself (one where he of course looks 40 years younger and not morbidly obese) standing on a majestic mountaintop and purportedly looking out over the Canadian border. The image featured a Canadian flag and the caption “Oh Canada.” As about ten thousand people posted in response in about 5 minutes, the image was of the freaking Matterhorn. Turns out our boy knows as much about geography as economics meaning he’d fail a fifth grade exam if you spotted him the answer key.
Anyway, it is yet another glaring reminder, as if we needed it, that somehow, out of a country of more than 350 million people, we chose the absolute worst, most ignorant man on earth to represent us.
Whether doing so from his golden toilet (eeeeeewwwwww) or another perch, Trump’s ludicrous bleats continued throughout the day, a reminder of how economic, social and foreign policy is, in the age of Trump, initiated by uninformed impulse. What could go wrong?
Today the President-elect (a wave of nausea seriously overcomes me every time I write that) posted on his stupid personal social media site that “Any person or company investing ONE BILLION DOLLARS, OR MORE, in the United States of America, will receive fully expedited approvals and permits, including, but in no way limited to, all Environmental approvals. GET READY TO ROCK!!!”
There is so much wrong with this that it is incalculable. What is more incalculable is the absolute fact that the media is so overwhelmed and so accommodating to his never-ending torrent of lies, invective, and horseshit that this inanity will not even be commented upon. But still it should be mentioned that Ho-ly Shit!!!! Turns out that for the right price, the health of Americans and our clean air and water can be shot to shit as long as some oligarch has a bil to throw around. Sounds like a plan! Preserving the planet for our great grandchildren is for losers I guess.
Speaking of our American oligarchy, the Associated Press has a matter-of-fact story out today about how the richest man in the world, pathetic dancing clown/bottomless pit of needy attention Elon Musk – who has been elected to jack shit – is essentially the deputy President and is openly threatening anyone in the Senate who is (1) thinking of exercising his or her Constitutional authority of advise and consent for presidential appointments and/or (2) is not fully on board with Musk’s plan to blow up the federal government with pulling the nuclear option and funding a primary challenger against them.
The whole MAGAverse is lining up behind this. Today little Turning Point Action weasel Charlie Kirk said on his podcast “This is not a joke, everybody. The funding is already being put together. Donors are calling like crazy. Primaries are going to be launched. Kirk singled out Senators Joni Ernst of Iowa, Jim Risch of Idaho, Mike Rounds of South Dakota and Thom Tillis of North Carolina as potential targets. All of their seats are up in the next cycle.
And they are all, as if on cue, going flaccid in a hurry. You may have noticed proud veteran and defender of women vets Jodi Ernst, who huffed and puffed for a second about how offended she was about Pete Hegseth’s farcical nomination to be Secretary of Defense, backing down. The Bulwark reports that after she realized the base was pissed, she caved.
From the story: “’How do I make this go away?’ a flabbergasted Ernst said to an intermediary, according to a top Donald Trump adviser who received the message. The answer was obvious to everyone involved. All Ernst had to do was back away from her tacit opposition to Hegseth and the MAGA dogs would stop baying. Sure enough, on Monday, Ernst changed her tune—not explicitly saying she’d vote for Hegseth’s confirmation but saying she supported him in the process. By then, the Trump team was feeling good, not just about her vote but about the slate of confirmations to come.
‘It sent a message,’ according to a top Trump adviser involved in the discussions with Ernst who relayed them to The Bulwark. ‘Nobody wants to be Joni.’” Profiles in courage baby! We are so screwed.
All of these cowards are going to get approval from craven Repubocams and we’ll see what happens when they’re asked to agree with the society-wrecking, economy-crashing ill-informed, radical, fantastical recommendations of the unelected, made-up committee of d-bags charged with putting a blow torch to the federal government.
They got a warning today from red America’s sweetheart Marge Greene who reminded that “Elon and Vivek talked about having a naughty list and a nice list for members of Congress and senators and how we vote and how we’re spending the American people’s money.” Just shoot me.
Extra Credit:
The parade of radical ideologues, cranks, and misfits into the incipient Trump administration continues unabated today with news of one more of the scary first variety being chosen to head up the DOJ’s civil rights division. Trump apparatchik Harmeet Dhillon, a staunch election denier who, despite endless recounts, investigations, and court cases, insists, without a shred of evidence, that the 2020 election was stolen from the Orange God King. As the Washington Post reports, girl isn’t giving up the ghost on this one: “Dhillon reiterated her unproven allegations of fraud in the lead-up to November’s elections, questioning how elections were being administered in Democratic-leaning cities in Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.” The Post quotes her lying in an October podcast appearance that “There is a wholesale ignoring of laws passed by legislatures … a few unelected bureaucrats, or elected perhaps, who change the outcomes of the election in a few counties and that changes the outcome of the national election — that’s what happened in 2020.” This is of course utter fantasy. And holy fox guarding the hen house alert! This gal will be in charge of the hundreds of civil rights attorneys who oversee voting rights cases. This makes me want to weep.
And, finally, look-ey here, what a coincidence! The same day photos of coke-addled dipshit son Don Jr stepping out and holding hands with his new girlfriend Bettina Anderson (described by People as a “Florida socialite” because of course) flooded the internet, it turns out his crazy ex is getting shipped overseas. Dad tonight announced the selection of the singularly unqualified lunatic Kimberly Guilfoyle, Jr’s apparently-no-longer fiancée, to be Ambassador to Greece.
For those keeping score at home, the apparently romantically scorned Guilfoyle makes four family members getting high profile appointments. She joins the convicted felon/father-in-law of daughter number 1 (the one he wants to have sex with) who he’s appointed, in a big middle finger salute to French President Macron, as Ambassador to France; the father-in-law of daughter number 2 (the one he forgets to acknowledge exists half the time), who will be some kind of special advisor on the Middle East; and the dumb ass wife of son Qusay, err, Eric, who Trump is trying to strong arm the pathetic Florida Governor Ron DeSantis into appointing to the United States Senate. Actual banana republics think these appointments are over the top.
In his hilarious announcement, Trump pere notes that “Kimberly is perfectly suited to foster strong bilateral relations with Greece,” apparently because of her former role as a Fox News co-host. Kimberly, for her part, said she looks forward to delivering “a new era of peace and prosperity.” LOLOLOL I’m dying here.
Remember we are not the crazy ones!!!!! Thanks so much for reading and stay safe and healthy everyone!!!!
This reads like some fiction novel of a dystopian planet where crazy is normal and normal is crazy.
1984 George Orwell